15 July 2008

Time to change....

Hmm.. It have been quite a while that I don't blog. Diz month was terrible for me, haizz.... I've been sick since end of last month til last week of this month (you get what I mean?) heehee... tricky huh?... :) anyway, thank god now I felt much better. All the feverish things are finally over!!..yayyah~ I think the wisdom tooth stop growing or taking a break for now...heehee... But soon as I recovered, another sickness strike me again!!

OMG.... Haiz, I was down with food poisioning last sunday. It was really bad & extremely terrible.I woke up about 2 in the morning, and ran to the toilet and vomit.. It went on and on from 2AM till 6AM... Every 1/2 hour and I felt so giddy and almost wanted to faint. Damn!! The cramp was so bad and my tummy bloated, all I can do is take the painkiller and keep rolling on my bed. ~Sobb, really in pain!! It was so unbearable that I decided to go to the clinic before it gets worst.

And as usual Dr Wong will jab me at my ass AGAIN!!!.... PAIN IN THE ASS!!! Hahahah~ I just don't understand why he have to jab my butt. Previously, he did the same too...Hmmm~ (Something fishy huh~ maybe I got sexy butt? heehee) I felt so much better after the jab. So no more cramp and puking feeling now. But I'm still drowsy due to the medication that I have to complete it. Haizz...

Anyway, I thought of changing job... Hmm, I don't know why but I think I should make a move after working der for 2 miracle years. (~heehee,that's the longest job I can bear, the shortest was just A DAY!!...) Now I'm started to think for better job enviroment and more better pay cheque. :) Don't get me wrong, I love mine job now. It happened that sometime when my client told me that I should explore myself for more experience in different job scoop, it's just ring a bell to me. Well, I guess they're right. But isn't it a bad timing for now? Economic is really bad right now and finding a job will never be easy. Haiz... Hmm, I will decide as soon as I receive mine this year bonus... If 1month pay bonus, I tender mine contract as soon as possible...If double pay bonus, it will be fine and I will reconsider to tender.... If triple pay bonus, I would like to sign on another year, I guess.~heehee~ Will see how things change and goes ya....

Alright, my eyes just getting really sleepy now :) Btw, saturday about 2AM, hubby called me. It happened I was half asleep and I heared mine hp rang. And the 1st words I hear was, "Helo...Helo... Sayang, I miss you so much, I miss your laughter so much, Miss your kisses..." Aww, Hubby was so sweet, he told me that he misses me so much and he tried to call me but as usual the reception down,AGAIN!!... ~Aww... hubby you just melt me away~ I miss you too, hubby... Everynite, I pray for your safety, health and happiness....Wish you were here next to me now...


Hope you will be back here for your birthday next month.... ~cross mine finger~

Sealed with a lots of Hope & Happiness