22 August 2008

If only I could....

..... turn back time....
(this is what I felt now, but I got no one to impress my feeling )
...This is truly from my Heart...

I would like to tell my mum that

how wonderful & greatest women she is...

....How much my love for her.

......How proud am I to have her as my mum.

........How much I love her cooking.

..........How much I miss to hug her.

....How much I miss her kisses.

...How much I love to make-up her.

........How much I miss her when Im at work.

.....How much I love to listen to her singing.

....How much I miss her voice when she recite Al-Qur'an.

.........How much I miss her calling my name.

.........How much I love her till now and forever............

Mum, I miss you so much. Yesterday was the most painful day for me to recall what had happened last year. I can't describe how painful it is. Every single last moment I had with you was the greatest minutes that I had in my entire life.
Now, all I can do is to pray for you. 1 year has passed, but I'm still struggling to move on without your tender, loving & care. The laughter that I show, The joy that I felt now, it's not the same that I used to feel when you were around. Deep inside my heart, no one knows how I felt. Sometime when I think of you, or look at your picture I didn't realised the teary droplet just rolling down my cheek. I just miss you so much...
Mum, Pls forgive me for all the sin that I have done since I were young till now. I hope I have given you the best moment in your life and I did make you proud for my previous achivement. You're the best mum I had, and no one can replace your sincere love for me. I love you, mum....


Ya Allah, Berikanlah keampunan, Keadilan, Ketenangan kepada Ibuda ku. Tempatkan lah roh nye di tempat orang yg beriman, orang yg engkau kasihi. Berikanlah belas kasihan mu kepada nye. Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku, Engkau jauh kan nye daripada azab api neraka, jauhan kan nye daripada seksaan api kubur. Ya allah ya tuhan ku, berikanlah beliau keampunan mu. Engkau lah Maha Kuasa, Maha yg Adil, Maha yg Penyayang. Amin.